Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A New Year's List!

Oh I love lists...and dear Lolabola has posted on here.

And lovely there's no tags...just something fun to do without any pressure at all.

The rules:
The categories:
Things you learned this year
People you met
Things you don't want to take with you into 2008
Things you want to hold close as you pass into 2008
Things you're looking forward to in 2008
Things that were life changing in 2008
Things you hope to accomplish by the end of 2009

Now you can either give two answers for each category OR you can choose two from that list and give seven answers.

Things you learned this year
1. Sometimes you have to seek help no matter what bias you hold and what bias you may face.
2. Boundaries can be a good thing.

People you met
1. Patrick! And I got to reconnect with H's siblings and Gabriel which was wonderful.
2. Rebeka!

Things you don't want to take with you into 2009
1. Depression so crippling I can't function.
2. Insecurity.

Things you want to hold close as you pass into 2009
1. My beloved family both nuclear and extended.
2. My friendships from all over the world.

Things you're looking forward to in 2009
1. Finishing my master's degree.
2. A whole summer with Horacio and the kids.

Things that were life changing in 2008
1. Antidepressants.
2. Revisiting Mexico.

Things you hope to accomplish by the end of 2009
1. Finish the bloody thesis.
2. Write more set limit just to write more of it.


Lolabola* said...

yay! I'm glad you posted it too.

hope you guys have a happy new year and 2009 is entirely fabulous

The Bear Maiden said...

Me too, am glad you posted this list. Cuz I um, er, borrowed it from you :)

Happy New Year, chica.