Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Busy..doing stuff

So my to do list for the week looks like this:

-grade 70 article reviews
-grade 70 tests
-type up notes for article
-read book for class I'm sitting in on
-call Lego store to get email address for class on Wednesday
-take care of clean clothes
-diaper laundry
-make lactation bars
-make dinners for week
-homeschool beasties including but not limited to making an ocean floor map complete with animals, paint clay brain, and finish Book I of History of US. Maybe do math.
-go to Lego store which is really far away with screaming baby
-go to McDowell park with one of my best mom pals
-go apple picking on Saturday
-design the blog I'm going to write with my mom

And at some point, I really need to add "Do graduate school applications." I used to feel really over-whelmed when I looked at my to do lists. Now I've accepted that the world will not end if I don't finish everything on the list. Sometimes the right choice is to lay with R and nurse her. I love lying down to nurse the baby beastie. It's one of those quiet, still moments that I think everyone should have one way or another. Once we're done though it's back to high speed.

The major thing on my mind is trying to come up with a plan for Toronto. After my great awakening, I decided to actively seek out scholars who were doing the things I'm interested in and I remembered that wonderful post-advisor had recommended a book on homebirths and religion. Well fast forward to me reading said book and being like "Whoa I need to work this woman." So I emailed post haste, and received a response. Of course Toronto wants a fully developed project. Yikes! I've been making myself mad going through about a hundred ideas for a project. I'm going to list them and look for insight from my wonderful readers.

1. Looking at working class/poor woman and birth. Is it religious for them as it was for the woman whom I am reading about. How does class effect how women see birth and religion?
2. Midwives who see their profession as a religious vocation.
3. (This is my favorite: Looking at attachment parenting in terms of those who are religiously conservative with an eye to how they use on line boards like Mothering. How do they use religion to formulate their ideas about parenting? How do they reconcile being among people who believe very differently than they do about everything but parenting? This of course could lead to some awesome ideas about the internet as religious space.
4. Quiverfuly families.


Jennifer Welborn said...

I really like number 1 and number 3. It would be really interesting if there was a way to combine 1 and 3. Is there a way to focus on class, religion, attachment parenting, and the internet? Well there's my 2 cents. I'm sure no matter what you do it will be fabulous :)

LoveNeverFails said...

Look at Catholic Crunchies too. Most of us who are Catholic, natural birthy and having large families are heavily influenced by John Paul II's Theology of the Body.

My theological leanings (and learnings... lol) definitely play a large role in how I look at birth. I believe in a God who creates, and that there is a profound value to surrender and reliance on God, but I also do not remotely trust birth because I believe strongly that we're in a fallen world. Anthropology of sin and birth could be really really interesting.

Unknown said...

Hmm...the sin aspect would be very interesting esp. when looked at from a non-theological perspective. I am also finding myself very attracted to the idea of working class midwife births compared to middle class, etc. There's so much here!

If I end up doing the sin and birth, then you'll have to be around for me so that I can bounce ideas of you:)