Saturday, November 03, 2012


November is my blog everyday month..and of course I'm late because I'm always late. In my defense, I was late because I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it this year, or more accurate if I was capable this year. I think I've gotten dumber over the last year and am not sure if I have anything worth saying anymore. After some thought though I felt like I should at least try. I've sadly let myself all not in a rather lazy pattern of not challenging myself at all.

Some part of me sort of enjoys this's freeing in some ways to not constantly being worried about being smart. And then the other part of me is bored and restless..worried that H will grow bored with my preoccupation with Pinterest and cooking. Thus I find myself thinking that there has to be a balance between that constant insecurity and need to prove myself as smart person and being a total nitwit.

Regardless of where this line of thought brings me, it's time to start writing again. Writing is still that place where I feel the best,and where I do feel that my mind is exercised. So bring it on November...a month of posts...

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