Thursday, October 11, 2007


One thing that always perplexed her were the sudden silences of new friends. Why did they come into your life just to disappear? The usual excuses surfaced: busy, new significant other, stress from work, etc. But she couldn't help feeling it was her. She wondered if she came onto too strong which lead to a momentary transformation of her behaviour. She practiced being cold and distance but she couldn't really pull it off for long. Her passion and inensity surfaced, and envitably the people would vanish.

But sometimes it hurt more than at other times. She believed in soul mates with an emphasis on the pluarl. She thought that we were meant to be with certain people not just as lovers but as friends, and those numbers were not narrowed to one. Rather she felt, felt deeply, that in our lives we encounter many people who fit our souls, feed our hearts, and often our bodies. When she meet someone she felt this way for, it felt like another piece to the hollowness in her chest was filled. When of these people disappeared, it was like they wrenched out not only their piece but several other pieces as well.


Horacio said...

is the silence that come with cooler temperatures?

Ernesto said...


Unknown said...

Well a silence that certinaly arises out of coldness....

John B-R said...

All loving is knotted to pain with a knot that can't be untied except at the cost of loving itself ... love and suffer, love and suffer, the rhythm of life itself ... I wouldn't trade it for anything ... (tho I'll have to someday ...)