Wednesday, February 27, 2008

March. In like a lamb?

Already I'm thinking to March. February has not listed high in wonderful experiences this year. It's funny how periods like this weave in and out of life. I remember distinctively bad periods in my life in terms of months. There was what I dubbed my "Jr. Year Depression" in high school, basically a dark period that extended from November to March. Then there was a really awful March when a long term relationship ended. Next came a horrible period filled with angst type love that stretched itself out over a long period but I remember November and May being the real worst of it. I have no doubt this February will join those hallowed hall times in my mind.

But it has gotten better. My adviser was much nicer over the phone than in email. H and I edited the next section, I think well, and she was happy. She also loved my Foucault section, and I actually got praise with the feedback. Praise is more than ego stroking; it's a necessary component to feeling like moving on.

I got a job for the fall. I'm teaching what's called a "LBST" class. Basically it's a liberal arts course designed to help students learn to think critically. We have to do Western Religion but we can focus whatever way we like. So I'm doing a Popular/Material Religion theme which I think of as "Religious Stuff." Should be lots of fun, and I plan to use a lot of theory. So if anyone has any recommendations for theoretical stuff on stuff let me know (hint, hint to E and yes W. Benjamin is already on my list:)

It looks like the rough draft to my thesis should be done by a week ahead of deadline! Hurray. This means I might actually get it done for a May graduation.


John B-R said...

*After God* by Mark C Taylor ... *The future of religion* by Rorty/Vattimo ... *Between East and West* by Luce Irigaray ... *Infinitely demanding* by Simon Critchley ... the Dufourmantelle ...

Horacio said...

february i love you but you're bringing me down...
nah, i really have nothing against feb. but, weatherwise, it is a transitional month down here so maybe that's what's going on... the weekend was gorgeous and yesterday and today they are forecasting snow for some areas around charlotte.

Erica said...

Congrats on the job and on your thesis! Hope you can get it done in May so you can enjoy your summer break "al máximo".