Friday, April 18, 2008

Back to Our Regular Broadcasting

Okay so that was exciting, yes? I've never thought much of my show/concert reviews. I have a hard time putting those kinds of things into words. For one thing, I don't know nearly enough about music to write intelligently about it, and because I read so many music reviews, this ignorance is quite clear to me. And I really feel moved by music. I love it. I've loved it ever since I was 13, and discovered that music could speak to places inside you that nothing else really could. Particularly punk and metal. As an outcast, pimply, fat teen this music made me feel like I might have a spot in the world. It gave voice to a deep anger and resentment, and it made me aware of my situation in ways that reading (although it started to as I got older) never did. Reading was an escape; music was fuel for living. Thus music is very special to me, and when I find something that really fucking shakes my world, like APTBS, then excitement is a mild term for what I feel. I hope they got that from my review.

But life must go on...and unfortunately it's a life that doesn't involve me hopping a plane in two weeks, and heading for London. Don't suppose there's a way to make being a APTBS junkie a living? Well it's a thought right? Plus the only kid who likes them is Piper, and I'm not sure what their sound would do to the budding ear drums of a three year old (and yeah she REALLY likes them..them and Ministry).

So I'm back to the "real world." For those who read regularly, my adviser dilemma was top news last week. Well we spoke on Monday (yes Monday when I was so fucking tired I could barely drag my ass to class). It was not as horrible as anticipated nor was it as pleasant as it could have been. It was actually rather ridiculous. It involved her telling me I was an idiot for taking another semester, and me trying to explain why without saying "You drive me crazy and I think you're nuts." She made me very uncomfortable at times by suggesting that therapy would help my writing process, and trying to make my decision an intensely emotional one connected to my issues. It was like breaking up with someone which is not something I've ever been good at. But it's done, and I'm moving forward. New thesis has to do with media discourses that shape what constitutes normal and abnormal religions, and how apostates' memoirs get wedged right in the middle of these discourses. And yes.... oh yes, the soundtrack to my thesis will contain APTBS. Nothing like writing about Mormons to the sonic feedback of "Ocean."

It's a busy two weeks ahead: book review, close reading, game to plan, plus a new proposal, Ministry on the 24th, Destroyer on the 26, and Radiohead on May 9. Then we have to pack up, put everything in storage, and head for Mexico on June 3rd. Oh, and we have a few birthdays tucked away in there as well. I'm going to try to post as I have some things want/need to write about but I have to put computer usage on the back burner.

Here's some photos from our time wasting last night:


Lolabola* said...

what precious photos.

I'm terrible at band reviews, mostly because I have a hard time putting the abstract experience into words. oh, and I'm lazy.

I'm so happy you have escaped the clutches of that toxic advisor.

John B-R said...

Time wasting? Time wasting? Huh?

Unknown said...

I know:P My time wasting yesterday was really me just idly surfing the web. At this stage of the game, however, every second not doing course work feels like time wasting...

Come waste some time with me...

John B-R said...

Y'know, the next time you feel like wasting time, we could collaborate on something ... ?? H can play too, of course ...

Unknown said...

That would work for me:)

John B-R said...

OK, the ball's in your court ... at least the "I want to waste some time now" ball ...