Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cyber Threads

When I was twenty I really got into William Gibson's works. Whenever I read one of his novels or short stories, I imagined the world like a great green grid with lines of light zig zagging, connecting, spreading out all the world. Everyone in his story, whether they knew one or another or not, were somehow connected to the plot. Now of course fiction is a contrived's a bit easier to make those connections logical. Life often seems about random. The connections made here do not often make much sense to the plot of one's life. But still I enjoy them.

Last night H showed me how my blog review of A Place To Bury Strangers was moving up on the Google results list. He said "People must be reading the review." I checked out my little world map and indeed I had many more hits than normal (I don't get many so it was a noticeable difference). I noticed that one of the hits was from where APTBS was playing that night. I did my own search and found a website that seemed to have a compulsive listing of APTBS web links. I started to explore the page, and found...gardening posts. Then I somehow managed to get on the Flickr site...and after a bit of exploring we discovered we were on Oliver Ackerman's father's site. It was cool last night...there was some great pictures of New Foundland, and we photos. But today I feel like maybe I violated some kind of line, some kind of privacy. It felt too much like stalking.

Now I wasn't necessarily out to find this information. I was really just curious who was reading my blog. And I admit to feeling a bit "tickled" that perhaps the man himself had read my review. But then this morning, I wondered the price we pay by opening ourselves up to the web. What kind of ethics of viewing come to play in this cyber world.


Anonymous said...

Everyone in the band read your review.

Unknown said...

Wow. Mortified. Totally. Remind to not go seeking out band when I go to see them again (because we will totally be there...we might have to fistfight over who gets to go).

If the band keeps reading comments: sorry I spied on OA's dad site, sorry I forgot to mention how killer the drums were (I was the one who yelled into the trailer "You beat the shit out of those durms" by the way). And I guess I can't go back and erase anything huh?

Jesus the band isn't supposed to READ one's blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I wasn't mugging for the camera BTW. You think I can see anything with all those strobes going off in my face? Glad you enjoyed the show.

Unknown said...

LOL. I'll erase that comment...although it was fun to imagine you mugging for the camera. The shots I got of you were by far my favorites.

We did enjoy the show totally. Can't wait until you hit NC again.

John B-R said...

Ican't compete in the excitement game w/ the band's comments, but I just want to add that if someone posts something, it's ethical to look at it. Private spaces are encrypted or passworded or something. But maybe I'm not the one to talk. I'm a thief as an artist, and my family's always saying, Don't stare, dad ...

Unknown said...

LOL John BR about the staring. I'm always checking shit out. Total voyeur here...just one that sometimes feels guilty about it. And you're right of coure...I wasn't hacking. I just felt creepy about myself:)

John dear I always love hearing from you:)

And who knows maybe my anonymous quoter is not who I think it is. I'd like it to be the mysterious bass player but one just never knows does one?

Anonymous said...

I think you may have stumbled upon mu blog where I keep a list of most of what I find on the Internet about A Place to Bury Strangers. I'm Oliver Ackermann's dad. I thought your post was one of the best I've seen about the band, and I sent it to Oliver. His manager also seems to track the postings and news about the band. Keep writing. It is interestng and nicely done.

Unknown said...

Thanks. I always feels a tad insecure writing show reviews but I was so moved and excited about APTBS.

And your blog is pretty wonderful too. I enjoyed the photos of New Foundland as it is a place I've wanted to visit since reading "The Shipping News."

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is totally exciting.

I have to check them out when they do London to write my own review now!

(And yes, Gee, you'll be surprised of how many people do read what we write...!)

(And JBR: I knew you were the staring type! Me too. Can't help it. Cfr my Isaac Newton quote today on my blog...)

Anonymous said...

I'm definitely going to the gig at Barfly!


Horacio said...

hey we should go to london and see ernesto and a place to bury strangers again!!

Unknown said...

They're freakin' awesome E. I was trying to figure out a way to buy you a ticket from here LOL.

In fact, I wish I could go! Just think we could hang with E and APTBS.