Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hill-Williamson Gallery

On Saturday morning Ginger helped Umberto, Camille and Piper finish their collaborative frog pond collage (I was napping on the couch since I woke up at five and couldn't go back to sleep until then). The night before, all three of our children had finished their paintings for the art exhibition that was taking place at Kaleb, Daren and Kerri's Saturday morning. And so, by Saturday around noon we were on our way to the improvised Hill-Williamson gallery.

By the time we finished hanging up all of the paintings the room was a swirl of colors, shapes and vivid images. We were in a museum of children's minds, the gallery of children's favorite things and colors.


Ephémère said...

Esos enanos estaban pedos como Pollock o son genios sobrios?


Erica said...

Qué buena idea, la de montar con otros amigos una exposición!

Y margaritas en lugar de vino para los adultos, otra idea genial!

A ver si algún día puedo robárselas!

Miriam Jerade said...

Qué lindo quedó el museo!!! Me encanta esa columna con dibujos y cómo recorren la pared. Felicidades niños!!! (y papás de los niños que tuvieron la idea).