Sunday, April 01, 2012


Sometimes, when the sun it shining outside, and the children are playing, and  I have my knitting, and the world is green, I think "This is enough." And as I sit in the sun with the "green light" shining over me, I wonder why I long for more.

Today as I sat there watching the girls splash water and make mud puddles, I wondered what I was looking for...why was I always feeling like I had to be doing something "more?" What would this more consist of and for what reason did I want to do more?

I brought this sun content feeling with me to Palm Sunday, and carried it with me as I followed Friar David into the chapel, palm leaf in hand singing Hosannah! And then I mediated during the gospel about this intense belief I hold that as long as suffering exist here Christ still suffers.He is crucified everyday as human bodies are tortured, starved, jailed, ignored, kicked, abandoned, and lost. And as I listened to the Passion on my first Palm Sunday in the Catholic Church, I stopped wanting something more and thanked the Universe for what I had been given. And I prayed that the something more I yearned for would manifest in a yearning to do something more for the world.

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