Thursday, June 23, 2011

Year of Pleasures 25

Night swimming.

The days have finally been hot enough to heat up the nights, and once again we find ourselves suiting up at 8:30 to head to the pool. Night swimming is a sweet pleasure in the South when the days are seriously too hot to spend by the pool. The nights are prefect. Balmy with no sun beating down on you requiring constant vigilance and layers of sun screen. Instead we can swim with abandon with no worry. The pool's lights change our limbs into ghostly shadows beneath the water. We float and look up at a sky full of stars with purple edges heralding the last traces of sunset. 

Last night as I held R pulling her through the water, her fat legs kicking out behind her, I happen to glance up and saw a shooting star. In that rich moment, hearing the laughter of my children and my husband, it took me  a minute to think of a wish.

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