Thursday, January 13, 2011

Year of Pleasures 2

Surprise gifts in the mail from friends! We got a notice of a package in the office on THURSDAY! But we kept missing the office open hours and then it snowed and snowed. Finally H got the package yesterday and it was this lovely toy from a DDC friend. We were all touched and Rowena loved her new present. 

I know that people sort of brush aside Internet friendships but I value mine. This DDC was wonderful when I was pregnant with R. I had no pregnant friends and I'm sure that I was driving my non-pregnant friends mad with my pregnancy talk. Going online and finding not just a space to discuss my pregnancy but also a bunch of new friends was one of the highlights of this pregnancy. It moves me that Aimee thought of Rowena and sent this out. These women are just as much a part of my women community as the women I know in real life.


Aimee said...

I'm so glad that R likes her Sophie! I totally agree, I would have been lost without my Internet friends. You women mean more to me than I can express in words.

Ivory said...

There are no internet friends, just friends I haven't had the pleasure of hugging yet. xoxo

Unknown said...

Love it Ivory!

And same here Aimee. Thank you again!