Saturday, June 23, 2007

A Poem for Piper Blue

"Dirty unknown child playing outside my door,
I don't ask you if you bring me a message from symbols.
You amuse me because I've never seen you before,
And if you could be clean you'd of course be another child,
One who wouldn't even come here.
Play in the dirt, play!
I appreciate your presence with just my eyes.
To see a thing always for the first time is better than to know it,
Because to know is like never having seen for the first time,
And to never have seen for the first time is to have only heard.

This child is dirty in a way that's different from other dirty children.
Go on, play! Picking up a stone that fits in your hand,
You know it fits in your hand.
What philosophy can arrive at a great certainty?
None. And none can come play outside my door."

Fernando Pessoa

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