Thursday, June 14, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away

Reading England posts made me long for some gray, and someone, something must have heard those longings. We've had lovely storms for the last four days. They roll in during the early afternoon, and boom their way through Charlotte until five or six. Instead of a steam bath, they're leaving behind cool, and the smell of cut grass. It is nice to walk outside and feel the breeze against one's bare arm. If H wasn't going to hang with M tonight, I'd definitely take a night walk.

The only downside of these storms is the rain that traps. Today I was trapped in the RS office at the university. I finished my work (photocopying some interesting looking Freud articles), and was all read to go when the sky just fall apart. I know it's a cliche but it really did look like someone was dumping buckets of water down from the clouds. I had to go the library to get a book that come in on interlibrary loan. I didn't want to walk through the buckets of rain. I waited. I talked to J, the administrative assistant, about children's books (she's taking a class in children's literature). I waited some more. S, my ex-advisor came in, and we talked about movies and music (he likes punk and used to be in a punk band...he's very cool). I waited some more. I talked to another professor and S about what was worst being reborn as a cockroach or a dog. The rain was still coming down in not buckets but sheets. My new advisor A came in. We chatted a bit about meeting for my paper (yes I'm putting it off). Finally I gave up, and RAN to the library, got my book, and RAN back to my car. I wasn't too wet. Now I'm home. Sleepy, waiting for H to bring my kids back to me, and making Sloppy Joe's with fake hamburger.


Horacio said...

the sloppy joes were great!! if the reason they were so good is that you got gastronomically inspired by the rain then let it rain until the end of the world.

Our best thunderstorm was at the NIN show last summer, remember?

Unknown said...

How could I forget? Renzior singing "Rain, Rain Go Away." And the crazy wet dancing! It was amazing.