Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Public Accountability

Or humiliation...it all depends upon on how you want to look at it. If you read my below post (shameless plugging of myself), you will note in the comment areas my dear friend Ros. Ros, who is working on her Ph.D and only, yes only, needs to finish her thesis. Inspired by my inertia, she proposed a challenge: 30 minutes a day doing something even if it's just staring at a pile of books.

I, being an unable to resist a challenge, accepted...no doubt much to her chagrin. Now to further push it, I'm going to have a little side bar where I RECORD what I did each day. And if Ros's got the "ovaries" so to speak, I'll provide a space for her, and she can email her results of the day... What'cha say Ros?

And after day one, all I can say is "Can I see the X-rated pictures?"


Horacio said...

Go, Ginger Go!
As for the x-rated pics i think i´m going to pass this time.

Ros said...

oh FUCK. (can I cuss on your blog?!) Damn you girl! You know I can't back down from a challenge. Between you and my local friend whom I wrestled to avoid writing, I'm screwed. OK. I met with that friend Monday, didn't write Monday night or last night. I am now sitting in the car repair place for at least 2 hours. With articles & edits. And a live internet connection AND a printer AND a machine that brews fresh Starbucks, apparently the dealership is spending my money well! OK. I'll write while I'm here. You're on, girl.
Hmm, I deleted all the pics of myself (except a way old one), so all I have for X-rated are 2 pics of Dave. I think I shouldn't post them on the blog. Oh wait, maybe I can find the bare ass pic I sent Tina.

Julie said...

Well, I'm glad you two have found a way to challenge each other into getting through this. I will be cheering for a tie!

Unknown said...

It has to be a tie!!! I can deal with competition! I just thought it was way too much fun to keep everyone updated on our thesis work LOL.

And damn about the pics. And of course you can swear on my blog! Hell, I swear on my blog...and in front of my kids, and in front of my friend's kids...okay you get the picture.

Ros said...

I'll work on pics later, maybe Sharon & me and her toys. And then Dave, who's chagrined that I didn't finish my diss in response to HIS support, is promising a "bad" reward if I produce enough.

brenda ríos said...
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Ernesto said...

Can I join the challenge? (I mean the 30 minutes at least, not the x-rated pics thing, he he)

Unknown said...

Oh come on Ernesto you have a cell phone camera!

Of course you can join the challenge. I'm either going to have a start new blog or have a mile long side bar.

Julie said...

Hmmm, well, maybe if you're going to have people join the challenge with thesis work, but no x-rated pics - then, since I don't have a thesis, I should just join in with x-rated pics. I could create balance. Or just have people running away from the computer, screaming, "I'm blind!!"

Unknown said...

God how fun would that be? I mean a blog that chronicles various people's thesis/x-rated pictures of said people and friends LMAO. It would turn academica on it's head. Yeah!

Oh and provides us thesis writers with endless entertainment.

Ros said...

God I love the way you all think. FatLady, ain't no-one but MaryKate and Nicole running away from X-rated pics of you. How about pics of us thesis writers working naked? Hell, I'm working on my bed right now, papers spread all over! Did an hour -- not necessarily a lot of additional words on paper to show for it, but an hour, hating almost every damn minute, and cranky as hell. Oh wait, that's cause all I'm doing on the bed is writing.